Yamaha | Above & Below

Yamaha helps foster the bond between us and the world beneath the waves. Let’s celebrate this sacred connection by showcasing the stories that take place above and below the surface.

A Deeper Connection

We highlight the connection people have to the water by showcasing the beauty above and below the surface.

Mobile Ads

Geo targeting/geofencing ads for mobile devices in airport and at GWCC

SeaDoo Blitz

When SeaDoo chose to host their product launch conference in Atlanta, we took advantage of the opportunity to welcome their guests to WaveRunner Country. From geo-targeted mobile ads to OOH displays in the Atlanta airport and surrounding the conference venue, we made sure that Yamaha was always top of mind.

Arrival Day

Rideshare app ads targeting rides from the Atlanta Airport as guests arrived.

During the Conference

Surrounding the Georgia World Congress Center and hotels.

Departure Day

Rideshare app ads on departure day targeting rides to the airport.

OOH and Airport Signage

Airport Baggage Claim on Arrival Day

Signage around Airport and Public Transit

Billboards and OOH boards in Downtown Atlanta, surrounding event venue and hotels

Print Ads and Dealership Posters

Social Content

Above and Below Process


Concept Sketches and Reference Images


Rough comps with low res images from the shoot


Comps and raw selects to retouching, print proofs


Powerade | That's Some Kind of Power